Higher Education’s Need for Next-Gen Learning Spaces

Did you know that online learning boasts a 900% global growth rate since 2000, according to data shared by Oxford Learning College? Higher education institutions face a significant shift in how they approach teaching and learning. New technologies and changing student needs are challenging the traditional classroom model. Next-generation learning spaces are becoming increasingly necessary to meet the demands of modern students and prepare them for the future workforce. As with conventional office spaces, COVID has shown the necessity of technologically advanced areas, especially those that enable remote and hybrid meetings and classes.

The design of these new spaces is flexible, adaptable, and interactive, all with the help of technology. Here are five reasons why higher education institutions should contact Talisen to modernize their spaces:

1.Keep up with the changing needs of students

Today’s students have only known a world with technology and understand the importance of being on its bleeding edge. This knowledge means they are used to instant and constant access to information and social media using everything from a cellphone to a custom-built personal computer. Traditional classrooms with rows of desks and a podium at the front may no longer be sufficient to engage, motivate, and teach students. Next-gen learning spaces offer an interactive, immersive, and personalized learning experience that caters to the needs and preferences of modern students utilizing modern displays, speakers, and cameras that enable dynamic learning.

2. Enhance student engagement and retention

Today’s classroom design promotes active learning, which studies show can enhance student engagement and retention. These spaces incorporate virtual reality, gamification, and interactive displays to create a more immersive and engaging learning experience. Students are more likely to be motivated and retain information when actively involved in learning and can apply their knowledge in practical, real-world scenarios.

3. Foster collaboration and teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork are essential skills in today’s workforce, and the design of next-gen learning spaces should facilitate these skills. These spaces incorporate flexible furniture and layout options for small group discussions, project-based learning, and other collaborative activities. Technologies such as video conferencing, screen-sharing, and real-time collaboration tools make it easier for students to work together, regardless of their physical location.

4. Support faculty in delivering effective instruction

Next-gen learning spaces can support faculty in delivering effective instruction by providing the tools and resources needed to engage and motivate students. These spaces offer advanced multimedia capabilities, interactive displays, and other technologies to enhance lectures, presentations, and other instructional activities. Faculty members can also use these spaces to experiment with new teaching methods and approaches and to collaborate with their peers to improve.

5. Create a competitive advantage

Education institutions that invest in modern, technologically advanced spaces can create a competitive advantage by attracting and retaining students, faculty, and funding. Students are more likely to choose institutions that offer innovative and engaging learning environments that prepare them for the challenges and technology they will likely interact with once joining the workforce. Faculty members are more likely to stay at institutions that provide them with the resources and support needed to deliver effective instruction. Finally, donors and funding agencies are more likely to support institutions committed to innovation and excellence.

From low voltage runs to complete hybrid room setups, Talisen is ready to renovate your space to the cutting edge of what technology can offer today’s students.

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