Enhancing Our Community
We believe the environment and children’s charities are integral parts of being a positive, contributing influence on our community. At Talisen, we support sustainability in the built environment. As for children’s charities, two causes have a special place in Talisen's heart.
Thank you to all those who have supported Talisen this past year. We truly believe that all of our donations, whether big or small, monetary or temporal, make a difference in the future of all of our children. Read below to see the causes we dedicate ourselves to and how your contributions are part of building their best possible tomorrow, today.

Autism Speaks
Joseph's son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Now a young adult, he has made tremendous growth and development improvements but still wrestles with the challenges of being on the spectrum. In addition, Joseph's close friend has a son with autism. Through these combined experiences, he has witnessed the challenges and financial strains that raising an autistic child has on the family unit. According to 2020 data reported by the CDC, autism affects 1 in 36 children, with boys being four times more likely than girls to receive a diagnosis. Even though it is the fastest-growing developmental disability today, there is still no known cause for autism.
Joseph believes passionately that with enough public attention, funding, and devoted research, better awareness and understanding can and will make a difference in our children's futures. Joseph is very active with Autism Speaks. In 2011 he was a committee member for the NYC Walk, held the Chair for the NYC Corporate Sponsor Committee, and formed a walk team for the NYC Walk event.
In 2016 Team Talisen formed its first cycling team for Bike to the Beach. With twenty-five riders, over $40,000 raised for local autism charities, and more than 100 miles traveled, Team Talisen crossed the finish line in Westhampton after starting in NYC. Now in our eighth consecutive year, Team Talisen's goal is to build a team of 50 or more dedicated riders and raise $70,000 for this worthy cause. Join us this September and have the time of your life!
Join Team Talisen or Donate to Bike to the Beach via our fundraising page.

Diabetes Research Institute (DRI)
Robert’s daughter was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at the age of six. Now a young adult, she lives a healthy, active life with the support of an insulin pump. Since the time of her diagnosis, Robert has supported the American Diabetes Association and enlisted Talisen as a corporate sponsor. Although much is known about diabetes and a great deal of progress has already been made, Robert feels strongly that a cure is attainable in the future with continued funding, research, and persistence toward one goal…a cure.
Millions of kids and families dealing with type 1 diabetes (also called juvenile diabetes) are striving for the day when a cure is found. Robert has been a continued sponsor of the DRI and has funded and participated in several JDRF team walks. He looks forward to continuing to do so in the future.
Please select that you would like to make the gift “In honor” of Talisen Construction Corp,” so that we may be notified of your generosity and have the ability to extend a personal thank you.
Talisen Gives Back: The Bowery Mission & Guardians of Rescue
Giving back to the community is a key component of our mission at Talisen. Each year we select multiple charities to donate our time to. In 2016 we collaborated with The Bowery Mission and Guardians of Rescue. In the process we fed over 315 hungry New Yorkers and built 4 shelters for abandoned dogs. We look forward to continuing our service to the community in the future!
Leading Thoughtfully
Talisen offers all our employees opportunities to excel, from tailored Individual Development Plans (IDP) to interesting projects and an exceptional culture where all are given a chance to be the industries next thought leader.
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