A construction firm doesn’t design your vision; we build your dream design. But involving a construction firm during this phase can help you reduce your cost and increase efficiency. By being a part of this crucial phase, recommendations will be offered without compromise to the overall vision.
Field Surveys
On site walk-thru
Inventory pre-existing conditions
Evaluation of core, shell and slab
Evaluation of building facilities; Mechanicals, Electrical and Plumbing (MEPs)
Photos & documentation
Find potential hidden costs from a constructability standpoint
Reduce change order contingencies
Design Budgeting
Preliminary trade cost & scope breakdowns
Estimate timeline in schedule
Re-verification of budget from pre-design phase
Identify trade-off items for your architect/designer’s consideration
Design Team Partnering
Involvement in design Charrettes
Assist to coordinate filings for issuance of permit
Assist with design development from a constructability standpoint
Trade-off approach based on cost budgets
Mitigate risk from potential constructability challenges
Mitigate risk on cost and schedule
Value Engineering
Provide constructive alternatives without compromise to client’s requirements and architect’s design