Bike to the Beach

What is Bike to the Beach?
An extension of the Autism Speaks community, Bike to the Beach is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that coordinates cycling events across the country to raise awareness and support for the 2 million individuals living with Autism in America.
Why We Ride
Since our inception in 2009 Talisen Construction has focused on partnering with organizations that make autism awareness and research a priority. A supporter of Autism Speaks since the beginning, our CEO Joseph Rigazio spearheaded the organization's involvement when his son, John, was diagnosed with ASD at a very young age. Seeing the needs within the autism community for better facilities, schooling, and training opportunities, Talisen made it a point to make a change in any way possible. As such, we were thrilled at the opportunity to build Manhattan Children's Center (MCC), a school specialized in educating children with developmental disorders.

As the project moved along, each completed milestone brought joy to all who were involved, one of the proudest days in Talisen's history was seeing MCC open their doors. Talisen was incredibly honored to receive the Corporate Citizenship Award at Manhattan Children Center's 2016 Seeds of Hope Gala. Signing up for our first ever Bike to the Beach felt like a natural extension of our involvement with Autism Speaks and Manhattan Children's Center, and gave Talisen yet another outlet to support organizations that provide much needed services for the autism community. Now entering his senior year of high school, enjoying boating, and bringing a smile to every face he meets, John serves as a source of motivation for the entire company -- constantly inspiring Talisen to build the best possible tomorrow, today.
Our 2016 Ride
We are thrilled to announce that our 2016 ride was a great success. With an original goal of having 10 riders and raising $25,000 Team Talisen blew our goal away, raising over $40,000 between 25 riders. Check out the ride recap below for a look at how the day went, thank you for your support!
Our 2017 Ride
In 2017 Team Talisen completed our second Bike to the Beach, growing the rider team and raising over $50,000! Thank you to our generous donors and the expanding community who is supporting autism awareness.
Our 2018 Ride
June of 2018 marked Team Talisen's third Bike to the Beach, including 50 riders and our total fundraising pushing past $60,000! We experienced great weather once again, and rider morale was at an all time high. A big thank you to all our donors who supported Team Talisen once again, you've made a difference in the autism community!
Our 2019 Ride
In June of 2019 Team Talisen completed our fourth Bike to the Beach, including over 60 riders and our total fundraising pushing past $70,000! Thank you so much to all our donors who supported Team Talisen yet again.
Our 2020 Ride
With new safety and COVID protocols in place for 2020, Talisen completed our fifth annual ride. Despite the challenges COVID-19 presented to many, Team Talisen prevailed to have a successful ride with the support of our team and many generous donors.
Our 2021 Ride
Bouncing back from the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, Team Talisen and Bike to the Beach made a triumphant return - raising over $250k as a total ride, with $60k of that total number coming from Team Talisen's amazing donors. A huge congratulations to all of our riders who dedicated their time and efforts to joining the best day of the year!